A cleaner wrasse has an important job. All day, every day it removes parasites and dead tissue off the bodies of larger fish, delivering considerable health benefits to the fish it cleans.

One thing the cleaner wrasse never does — is way too busy to do — is manage its online presence, or write case studies, press releases, and white papers to enhance its commercial position.
If you’re an owner or CEOs of a small to medium sized corporation, you have a lot in common with the cleaner wrasse. Every moment you’re not focused on the core function of your company you’re not producing value for your clients.
Running a business is hard. Each day you have to anticipate your clients’ needs and find a way to deliver above expectations. If you’re spending 20 hours a week on top of that conducting SEO keyword searches, writing and editing blog posts, case studies, press releases, white papers, and on, and on…
you’re going to burn out. And fast!
If all this feels daunting, I want to help!
Hi, I’m Jonathan, a freelance content writer. Learning is my passion, and I love creating well-researched content for the tech industry and startups. Drawing on my technical and creative background, I will craft a story that resonates with your target audience.
After getting a Bachelor’s degree in Literature, I set my goal to become a writer. And I did write for a few years and even took a job as an assistant editor for a tech magazine. Then, for reasons that would take too long to recount, I spent more than two decades creating digital special effects for film, including supervising work on some Academy Award-winning movies. More recently, I managed projects for tech companies and
All these experiences have given me an insider look into how tech and startup companies work and how to help position them.
I pride myself taking your content to the next level!
If you need a competent, reliable writer who will own your content and won’t be satisfied until you are…